Thursday, October 31, 2019

Comparison between american and japanese army in world war 2 Research Paper

Comparison between american and japanese army in world war 2 - Research Paper Example It is worth noting that in the beginning of the war, with Japan bombing Pearl Harbor, Japan can be considered as having air force capabilities that were considerable in 1941, even as the United States was in a state of trying to accelerate its air force program through a rapid buildup in capabilities. What prompted this hasty buildup was Germanys invasion of Poland two years before the Pearl Harbor invasion, with Hitler signaling its ambition to take on Europe by force. At the time of the Polish invasion the American Air Forces consisted of less than two thousand aircraft and just 26,000 people. The US War Department signaled its own intent to radically beef up its air force capabilities with the establishment of the AAF, or the Army Air Forces, making it equal in stature to the ground forces of the US Army (Craven and Cate; Weinberg; US Air Force; Weider History Group). After 1941, it became clear to the US that the war could not be won without the necessary radical expansion of its air force capabilities, and the manic buildup process resulted in the United States eventually producing the largest air force fleet in the world, eventually overcoming the air forces of the Germans and the Japanese. The capabilities of the US Air Forces at the height of that buildup ran through a wide array of tactical functions and uses, from reconnaissance to bombing to attacking, personnel training, and transporting. At its height, the US Air Forces had an inventory of more than 80,000 aircraft with different capabilities and uses, while its personnel count reached more than 2.4 million people. A sampling of the inventory of aircraft used in the war effort included the B29 Superfortress, the B17 Flying Fortress, the C47 Skytrain, and the P51 Mustang (Coakley; Adams 1994; US Air Force). The final year of the war saw the complete overpowering of the counterpart US air forces of the Japanese, capped by

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Understanding and Using Inclusive Essay Example for Free

Understanding and Using Inclusive Essay 1.1. Inclusive learning is about recognising that all your students have the right to be treated equally and fairly, have the same access to all products, services and have the opportunity to be involved and included. As a teacher you need to be aware that all students are not the same as they all do not learn in the same way, the ways in which a teacher can overcome this is using the Teaching and Learning Cycle, using visual, auditory and kinaesthetic materials (VAK) and agreeing on individual learning plans (ILPs). Other features could include self reflective exercises, quizzes and providing opportunities for students to reflect on their own experiences and consider how these experiences influence the way they learn. 1.2. There are a number of strengths and limitations of learning approaches when teaching. For example, a strength can include an activity and/or a demonstration in pairs or groups, a questionnaire and a power point presentation. The limitations could be when working in group sessions, a shy person can hide in a group, more confident people can take over and there could be a possible clash of personalities. Using all learning styles need to kept to a minimum as previously stated not all students learn the same, some students may ‘switch off’ at certain times and become less interested in the subject, this will hopefully ensure that all students can relate and keep concentration in the subject that is being taught. 1.3. Providing students with the functional skills within the chosen subject will be in ways which the students will be reading, speaking and listening as the demonstration I will be giving will be from power point but will also include listening to instructions and watching myself with a volunteer. The students will have only have a certain length of materials to use so they will need to calculate these when carrying out the activity themselves. To incorporate ICT, students will need to use their own mobile phones to download an app and at the end of the lesson. Once the students have completed the lesson, they can use all of the skills out of the classroom and into their everyday life. 2.1. Creating an inclusive learning environment benefits all students to enable effective learning to take place. The environment in which you are teaching the subject can sometimes be restricted but teaching can take place anywhere not necessarily just in a classroom, for example, colleges, learning centres, the workplace, prisons are to name just a few. When teaching you would need to consider the venue, rooms and resources but also your attitude and support as this can also have an impact on the students in which they will learn. 2.2. It is important to select a number of teaching and learning approaches as individuals can face a number of barriers causing them difficulty to learn. Maslows (1987) Hierarchy of Needs shows that if all five aspects of this theory are met, which are, self actualisation, self esteem recognition, safety/security and physiological it creates a healthy environment for learners to progress and achieve their goal. 2.3. Motivation is what causes us to act, it is either intrinsic (from within) which means to learn for your own fulfilment or extrinsic (from without) which means they may be an external factor motivating the learner. To help motivate learners you can set targets, be professional, create interesting and relevant tasks or activities, engage students and give them the opportunity to learn. 2.4. Ground rules can be set by having a group discussion. To have the ground rules mutually set between the teacher and the students it makes it more likely for these to be followed and adhered to. As a teacher certain ground rules need to apply to allow all students to be treated equally and fairly, for example, punctuality, respect for others, mobile phones off or on silent, no abusive language, no racism and no discussing politics. 3.1. See Micro Teach session plan 3.2. Using my selection of teaching methods covers the three learning styles  which people have (VAK). The power point presentation and demonstration covers the visual and auditory learning styles whereas the demonstration and group activity/task covers the kinaesthetic learning style. Handouts will also be given which are reflective tools; this will help the students to remember important information that is being delivered. 4.1. The teaching approaches that I am using helps the students engage by connecting the subject to real life, it will teach self monitoring skills and information will be presented in multiple formats. As all three learning styles are being covered this will also help keep the students motivated and interested. 4.2. Communication is a key point in all aspects in life, communication with students is essential for them to ascertain progress and identify where improvements could be made. For communication to be effective teachers need to speak slowly and clearly and by only using words in which the students should be able to understand, however communication is a two way process, the teacher could ask questions to ensure the students have understood. 4.3. There are a number of ways to give constructive feedback to your students, when giving feedback to students, teachers need to be positive, open and honest, be clear and specific, be balanced, be motivating and also invite self assessment. Gray and Smith (2000) pointed out that students want consistent, genuine feedback because they do not want to ‘carry on doing it wrong’. References

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Representation of Political Scandals in the Media

Representation of Political Scandals in the Media Political Scandals Interim Submission The question that I have chosen to answer for my essay is: ‘How fair and balanced has the coverage of political scandals been in the British media?’ By selecting this question I can explore the different political affiliations in the British press during times of scandal and how each news media reported on it depending on their relationship with the political party at the centre of the controversy. Firstly, to begin my essay I will provide some background information on how the press functions in UK politics for which I have conducted some research on for the interim submission using the chapter titled Judging the Media: Impartiality and Broadcasting in the book Politics and the Media Harlots and Prerogatives at the Turn of the Millennium (chapter written by Eric Barendt and edited by Jean Seaton). I have found that it is common knowledge that UK newspapers are, of course, free to support whichever party its editor or proprietor, chooses, and to take sides on political issues. With this power they are not expected to be impartial or balanced in their coverage of contentious political matters such as General Elections and political scandals. For example, The Sun itself claimed credit for the surprise victory of the Conservatives in the General Election of 1992 with the notorious front-page headline Its The Sun Wot Won It on Saturday 11 April 1992, according to John Curtice in hi s research piece: Was it the Sun wot won it again? The influence of newspapers in the 1997 election campaign ( Because of this ahead of the 1997 election, Tony Blair in opposition assiduously courted Rupert Murdoch and the editors of his newspapers. It is unlikely that the Labour majority in 1997 would have been so large, had the Sun not decided to support it six weeks before polling day. These freedoms are essential aspects of the traditional British understanding of ‘press freedom’, also constitutionally guaranteed in many other nations including the USA by the First Amendment ( To show that I know what I am writing about and avoid misinterpretations by settling on a single understanding of key terms I will define terms such as: ‘fair’, ‘balanced’ ‘media’, ‘power’ ‘popular’, ‘success’, ‘failure’, ‘disaster’ and of course ‘scandal’. Defining terms ensures that I am talking about the same things as the reader. For example, I could define ‘fruit salad’ as containing, pineapples, yellow apples and bananas. By doing this, the reader will not object when I later write that fruit salad has vital red deficiencies. By defining ‘power’, I would demonstrate that I am aware of other interpretations of the term. It will actually often not be essential to state what the other explanations are, except if the distinction is an essential aspect of the argument. I will be structuring my essay chronologically covering seven scandals over a ninety-one year period in Politics from the Marconi scandal in the summer of 1912 to the Iraq War and the apparent suicide of Dr. David Kelly in July 2003. Furthermore, one of the scandals I will be researching will be an overseas scandal: the Lewinsky scandal, which involved former US president Bill Clinton. I will use the scandal for comparison with the John Profumo sex scandal. In addition, I am going to use a wide range of sources for the essay including: books, newspaper articles, journals, academic research and blogs. All these historical scandals have their own historiography. I will look at the way that they have been written in the press over time (during the scandals and during the present day), the occasional conflicting objectives pursued by journalists and academics on them over time, and the way in which such details form peoples understanding of the scandals. These different sources are important because they will help me: To gather information so that I can develop and enhance on my own political knowledge and understanding of particular scandals and how they were reported in the British media. To identify, build and support arguments or research in the essay which will help demonstrate the understandings that I have acquired. I have listed the scandals that I will be covering, the scope of research that I have conducted for them, the different sources that I have referred to for my research and a provisional list of sources that I plan to use in the final essay below. Moreover, I have included a rough word count for each scandal. THE MARCONI SCANDAL 1912 Centered around allegations that members of the Liberal Government, under Herbert Asquith’s premiership, had profited by inappropriate use of information about the Governments plans with respect to theMarconi Company: knowing that the government was about to issue a lucrative contract to the British Marconi company for theImperial Wireless Chain, they had bought shares in an American subsidiary. The allegations included the fact that Isaacs brother,Godfrey Isaacs, was managing director of the Marconi company. Although the political repercussions were in fact minor, theNew Witnessdrew conclusions about fraud in British politics. SUEZ CRISIS 1956 Anthony Eden becomes Prime Minister in 1955 high sense of optimism. Hailsham – ‘a real post-war government, led by a PM who represented contemporary manhood, rather than the pre-First World War generation.’ Optimism about: progressive ideas in domestic affairs, his belief in property owning democracy and industrial partnership. However, all Eden’s career had been foreign affairs and not domestic politics. Ironically his downfall was foreign affairs Suez Crisis. Ends in disaster, military operation called off in humiliating circumstances as Britain withdraws due to American pressure due to economic reasons. Outcomes: Political crisis – Eden seemed weak, lost in a policy he was supposed to be the master of. Came under heavy attack from Labour in parliament and sections of national press e.g. Manchester Guardian. By lying to Parliament about collusion with France and Israel, Eden had tarnished his image and prestige. Chancellor Harold Macmillan leading the campaign with Eden’s cabinet for Britain to abort Suez. Demise of Eden – never recovered from Suez (though resigns due to poor health in 1957). Replaced by Macmillan. PROFUMO AFFAIR 1963 Scandal which was a personal disaster for Harold Macmillan. Given sensational treatment by the press. Political impact of the affair was actually short lived but the image of Macmillan as old and out of touch was reinforced. Significance: Ideal excuse for press to go after every detail Press became less deferential, more intrusive previous tactics used by government to prevent publication of sensitive or embarrassing information no longer worked. Booker – â€Å"after years of uneasy indulgence, the people were restless and dissatisfiedwild rumours of strange and wild happenings in the country villas, of orgies and philandering..brought the capital into a frenzy of speculation and contempt aroused by the Government in the hearts of the great mass of the people† LEWINSKY SCANDAL 1998 (USA) [COMPARISON] 1995—Monica Lewinsky hired as a White House intern. Series of 10 sexual encounters. Kenneth Starr investigates. Michael Isikoff, Newsweek reporter, investigates, but magazine delays publishing. First public report of the scandal seen on Drudge Report. Clinton denies allegations. Extremely detailed Starr Report released. Lewinsky allegations dismissed in Paula Jones case, but coverage is still pervasive. Rumors circulate on the internet. 24/7 cable news networks. Decline of gatekeeping sensationalist journalism. Salience and dumbed-down news. Pressure on news outlets to report on rumors. Public’s â€Å"right to know†? Drawing the line between news and drama/entertainment. JOHN MAJOR AND SLEAZE 1990s Growing internal divisions in the Conservative Party after 1992 Major – an ‘unlucky PM’? Exhausting battles began to drown out the positive achievements in a sea of party infighting and political setbacks. Between Black Wednesday and the 1997 election, Major suffered a slow political death. Major’s tribulations can be summed up as: Easy target for satirists and cartoonists: Private Eye, Rory Bremner, Spitting Image’s grey man. None of this Satire vicious and Major remained personally more popular than his party, but the image of Major as a well-meaning but bumbling and inadequate leader stuck to him. Blatant actions by anti-Europe elements in own party 1993 Maastricht Treaty was initially blocked by rebel MP’s. Major won the vote in the end but authority was damaged. â€Å"Do we want 3 more of the bastards† accidentally recorded press, e.g. Daily Mail, speculating as to whom Major was referring to speculation as to whether a leadership challenge would occur. It did not but the threat was damaging enough. Major tried to reshuffle his cabinet in 1994 with little impact. Press speculation continued about possible challengers for leadership from disaffected cabinet members 1995 Major called for leadership election so that he could be re-elected to do his own job (Back me or sack me). Sleaze – press coverage key here: sensationalist and intrusive and a contrast with Major’s ‘Back to Basics’ campaign 1993 (call for return to traditional moral values). Examples include Yeo and Mellor (sex scandal, resigned), Scott Enquiry 1994 (illegal selling of arms investigation, Tory’s ‘economical with truth’), Archer and Aitken (perjury). Major became easy target, respect declined – gave press fuel. Sleaze similar impact as Profumo Affair on Macmillan 1962. Seen as out of touch, untrustworthy, too preoccupied with own traumas than those of Britain in comparison to a reinvigorated Labour. Further press and opposition hostility due to ammunition – easy target. Sleaze ran all way to 1997 election – factor in Labour’s 1997 victory? POLITICAL IMPACT OF IRAQ/ DEATH OF DR. DAVID KELLY 2003 Iraq War and Blair-Bush relationship is argued to be the defining issue of Blair’s second term. Blair had to fight two wars over Iraq one against Saddam Hussein one to win over political and public opinion at home Media: initially supportive. Continually supportive of â€Å"our lads† but not of the governments/countries who led Britain into Iraq. Method: Intelligence dossier on weapons of mass destruction idea Hussein had biological and nuclear weapons. Failed to convince those who though WMD had been exaggerated/overrated. Questions over why Alastair Campbell played such a large role in drafting dossier – ‘sexed up dossier’ (Gilligan, 2003) to exaggerate the threat from Saddam and that it was intended for political purposes. Accusations dossier was about political presentation rather than hard evidence. Impact of WMD: No WMD were found. Death of Dr. David Kelly (weapons expert at MoD) further damaged the governments reputation as the case dominated the national news, rocked the government, and put the doubt into the British public’s mind about whether this dossier had indeed been exaggerated. The role of critical and sensationalist press had a profound effect Lord Hutton’s Enquiry– absolved the government from blame and criticised the BBC but the damage was done.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Medieval Piety Essay -- essays research papers

Religion in the Middle Ages takes on a character all of its own as it is lived out differently in the lives of medieval men and women spanning from ordinary laity to vehement devotees. Though it is difficult to identify what the average faith consists of in the Middle Ages, the life told of a radical devotee in The Book of Margery Kempe provides insight to the highly intense version of medieval paths of approaching Christ. Another medieval religious text, The Cloud of Unknowing, provides a record of approaching the same Christ. I will explore the consistencies and inconsistencies of both ways to approach Christ and religious fulfillment during the Middle Ages combined with the motivations to do so on the basis of both texts. A central component of medieval religion that is evident in even the slightest dissection of the life of Margery Kempe or the directed discipline from the author advising contemplation is an unmistakable desire for religious experience. Even among married men and women who are occupied with family responsibilities, lay people during this time such as we see in the life of Margery herself are seeking more intense religious ways of living. Margery, as the example, lived with her husband with whom she had fourteen children. Growing up influenced by the church, her spirituality came to a heightened level when she and her Jesus began having actual communication with one another. While the church was catalyzing religious experience in medieval communities, upon the realization of direct mystical connection with Christ in the lives of people such as Margery, the desire for the inward search for spiritual satisfaction spread. Another tendency of those practicing religion in the Middle Ages is to take Jesus' words from the Bible to a new literal level affecting medieval lifestyles across the board. Where monks and nuns had typically been the only observers of chastity, fasting, and poverty, laity began to observe these life practices as well. In Margery Kempe's life, this apodictic understanding of Jesus' biblically recorded or spoken words is evident among her commitment to make vows of chastity, her desire to embark on long pilgrimages, and her steps of unquestionable obedience as she advances on her spiritual journey. The absolute submission of Margery and the dedication to perfect contemplation in The Cloud of Unknowing which warns, â€Å"†¦y... ...Jesus commands to Margery the contrary saying on one occasion â€Å"†¦go again to her husband and pray him to grant her what she desired† (Windeatt, 59). Margery lived well aware of her desires and, though they often caused temporary conflict such as her chastity, did not neglect herself to such extremes as hiding the desires of her heart or the absence of knowledge. Similarly of the two texts, the practice of contemplation suggests that one comes to know God on the basis of both intellect and emotions. Margery clearly understands this emotional tie to the divine in her relation to the passion of both Christ and Mary and her sufferings on the behalf of them both. Though most probably did not practice their faith as devoutly as Margery Kempe, the central concerns of her life coupled with the practices taught in The Cloud of Unknowing reveal a faith that is defining of Medieval Christianity. Both texts act as a mirror reflecting the Middle Ages and come down to a same key ingredient: desire. Never has there been a time like the Middle Ages where the prevalent desire to physically and emotionally experience the truths of religion was so widespread and evident in the lives of Christians.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Compare Contrast Performance Enhancing Drugs

Assignment 4-1-1 Compare and Contrast COMM 120 College Writing Justin Reed Professor Hilton-Ross Performance-Enhancing Drugs: New level of excitement or quick death? We regularly hear of professional athletes being accused of â€Å"doping,† or use of illegal performance-enhancing drugs. Many do this to be the very best at what they do. This is lucrative for not only the player, but also for the franchises that bring in the crowds. The question that arises is, if these drugs should be the new frontier of sports, or if we should heavily screen the players to prevent death. Looking at this from a neutral standpoint, it can be very easy to see both positives and negatives to taking such drugs. Our society not only demands perfection, but we also expect a level of entertainment that is on par or greater than the ever increasing price tag of the tickets that we buy for these spectacles. Many of the drugs that are banned from sports are due to the side-effects that often occur. The players have psychotic episodes, become increasing hostile, and sometimes even death. Even with the evidence backing this, the drugs are still used. The reason for this is monetary gains. A question comes to mind, would you rather live a long, regular life or a shortened, amazing one? You will be faster, stronger, and heal more quickly than you ever have before. Still, let’s make the assumption that athletes begin to use performance-enhancing drugs, the prices are higher for tickets,and the amount of time a player will actually be capable of playing at such a high level is decreased. Who really wins in this scenario? I believe thefans do. Fansget a very exciting game, more plays, more action, and more impact. Things that were not possible become far more possible. Games are invented or improved to make the spectacle all the better. The athletes can now demandmore money because the crowds are greater. In turn,the crowd draw means the franchise can improve the facilities and impact the surrounding areas. Yes, the athletes have a potential of being hurt, but their sacrifice could ultimately bring happiness to thousands, give them extreme wealth,and help the areas businesses. References Donovan, R. J. , Egger, G. , Kapernick, V. , & Mendoza, J. (2002). A Conceptual Framework for Achieving Performance Enhancing Drug Compliance in Sport. _Sports Medicine_, 32(4), 269-284.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Many students expand their view of the world during

There was a time when the world we live in was in a somewhat peaceful mode. There was existing discord among countries and there were political and social misunderstandings being resolved but overall, there was a semblance of a fragile peace and tolerant understanding of each others problems, race, and gender. That all changed overnight after the events of September 11.Overnight, the tolerance and fragile peace existing between our country and those of the Middle East, Europe, and Asia was thrown into a dizzying tailspin. Everything that we thought we knew about our middle-eastern neighbors was thrown out the window and they suddenly became an almost persecuted race worldwide. This loss of tolerance and understand towards the Middle Eastern nationals saddens me no end. Perhaps it is because, even though I was born and raised as an American, my family's roots are deeply entrenched in the Middle East.I lived eleven years of my life as a citizen of the Middle East. Â  I am one of them. Therefore, I understand the culture and religion even though I am now more influenced by my westernized upbringing. Even though my parents tried hard to instill some of our Old World value into me, it was a struggle for me to identify with the traditions and ways they wanted me to follow.No one else in my social circle had to follow the same norms as set by their family that I did. Eventually, the western ways won out and I forgot what it was like to be a Mid Easterner. This is why I believe that the person or classmate who will have a tremendous impact on my life while in college will be someone who is an exchange student or foreign national enrollee from any part of the Middle East.The reason I believe this is because; I have slowly come to realize that the people from the Middle East have been suffering from prejudice since the events of 9/11. The race has been judged collectively and branded by the world as terrorists. All member countries of that eastern block have been judged by the decisions and acts of a few misguided people from their area of the world. It is time for us to stop the prejudice. It is time to stop the war. It is time for us, as the free leader of the world, to stop, analyze and think about what we are doing to those people. It could be an act of veiled of revenge already on our part. That understanding can start small and trickle down. It can start with me.I would expect that this potential classmate of mine to help me understand where the prejudice comes from. Why do we see them in such bad light? How do they view us as a nation? I believe that a fellow Middle Easterner student and I will be able to relate and have many things in common. Â  He may not be from the country my parents come from. But, he will at least share the same beliefs and traditions as my parents and maybe, just maybe, I can learn even more from him about my roots and traditional heritage. Those things and lessons will be fun for me to encounter because I missed ou t on those things when my family moved to the United States.Since he will be like a mentor to me, I also expect to learn other things from him. I expect to learn more about tolerance for others who may not understand from him. He can show me how to deal with the situations he faces everyday. I have been known to have a short attention span so dedication and effort are not really very strong points in me as a student and person. I am hoping that he will be able to teach me that since Middle Easterners are known for their tolerance and patience in the face of adversity.Aside from those specific things, I know that I will learn a lot in terms of life lessons from him or her simply by observing the person as his or her daily life unfolds. Everyday is a learning experience for everyone, he or she can be my out of class mentor, friend, and ally if need be.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Age Discrimination essays

Age Discrimination essays One of the worst types of discriminations next to that of racial or ethnic discrimination is age discrimination. A persons age should never be a factor in how they are treated. Once we reach the age where we can make logical conscious decisions on our own, we should be treated like everybody else. Age discrimination is predominant because the majority of this worlds inhabitants have unfair and old-fashion ideas or beliefs with respect to two age groups in particular. These two groups that are discriminated against the most are the young and old. Once a person reaches the age of eighteen in America they are given the privilege of voting. Unfortunately, at the same time they are robbed of certain rights. I have always disagreed with the law in which adults under the age of 21 cannot purchase or consume alcohol legally. This law seems completely contradictory to me; I dont understand how our government can give us the right to choose our leaders or be sent off to war and given a machine gun and told to kill the enemy but deny us the right to legally buy a case of beer. This just does not make sense. This is only one example of how the youth of America are discriminated against based on their age. Another predominant example is with respect to wages. People under the age of 21 usually get paid less than older people for doing the same job. This is a major problem in todays workplace. In order to correct this problem we need to focus our attention on paying peoples wages based on their skill and performance of their duties. If a 16 and a 43-year old both have the same skills doing the same job they should be paid the same. Some people argue that older people should be paid more than youths because they have more financial duties and responsibilities than younger people. In order to make a high amount of money you need to posses certain skills and attributes that not many other people have. This is the reas...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Rebranding and Foreign Branding Essay Example

Rebranding and Foreign Branding Essay Example Rebranding and Foreign Branding Essay Rebranding and Foreign Branding Essay Some modern ads recently have been using moreunattractive spokespersons to sell their products. For example, some microwavable dinner uses an average looking, heavier man to represent the meal. Two men who are just as heavy as each other eat two different meals. One man eats something healthy and along the lines of adiet meal, where the other man eats a Hungry Man microwavable dinner. The man who ate the Hungry Man meal is blow drying his hair, and when he turns to speak to the other man, his blow dryer blows away the man who ate the diet meal. I feel that this is a productive use of unattractive spokesmen, because most of the audience range that Hungry Man is trying to aim for is the heavier setmanly men. Using men that normal people can relate to is the most effective way to sell a product. I also feel that when selling a diet product, like a pill, or a meal plan, the most effective way to sell successfully is to use actual patients who are overweight. Showing the before and after results from a product are most influential to the public. On the other hand, using unattractive persons to sell a product may backfire to the company. For example, using unattractive women to sell makeup may not work as well as using a beautiful flawless supermodel. There are certain instances when unattractive or less than perfect people may not be the best route to take, and there are also products that have tremendous gain off of normal looking, or possibly a little abstract associations. I would say it is a 50/50 chance when it comes to marketing, with any kind of representation. It doesnt always matter how good of an association you get with the product, sometimes it just wont be successful. The goal is to relate it to your targeted audience and try your best to sell, sell, and sell.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Scene Analysis of Julius Caesar, a Play by William Shakespeare

A Scene Analysis of Julius Caesar, a Play by William Shakespeare Shakespeare has been mesmerizing people with his written word for hundreds of years, from his sonnets to his plays. His stories deal with love, betrayal, murder, death, and even suicide; even in the story of Julius Caesar does he touch up on this subject. Act one Scene 3 is the part of the play where the meteor showers attack the city of Rome, and where Cassius admits how strongly he is opposed to Caesar’s rule. The scene is supposed to be a turning point for the show in the sense it is revealed just how terribly Caesar is viewed by Cassisus, and just how far Cassius will go to make sure he does not see him rule. Shakespeare did this by portraying his characters emotions accurately and appropriately. The scene opens with the characters Casca and Cicero both are public figures in Rome, both are discussing the fiery storm outside that is come out of nowhere. Casca believes it to be a bad omen of what is to come, while Cicero things it is nothing more than a natural occurrence. Once Cicero exits the character Cassius enters, he explains how he believes that the Oman is the Gods way of foreshadowing things to come, and that unlike Cicero he sees no reason to fear the Gods. This is where Cassius’ â€Å"big head† to say is revealed, he states this â€Å"You are dull, Casca, and those sparks of that should be in a Roman you do want, or else you use not† (Act 1 Scene 3 Page 3). Without saying Cassius has just insulted Cicero, and stated he believes there is no reason to fear the Gods, since they are simply displeased with one act and not many. This shows in his characterization that Cassius believes himself to be superior to others, maybe that is due to the fact he is a talented general in the military, and that he is quite sly. During the course of the scene he reveals that he would rather kill himself then see a man like Caesar rule his country. â€Å"Now could I, Casca, name to thee a man most like this dreadful night, that thunders, lightens, opens graves, and roars as doth the lion in the Capitol A man no mightier than thyself or me in personal action, yet prodigious grown, and fearful as these strange eruptions are† (Act 1 Scene 3 Page 3-4). Cassius is speaking of Caesar as to the fact that he believes that the Gods are unhappy with him coming to the capitol to be crowned king. In past scenes, Shakespeare has made it clear that people do not think he is ready to rule, but this scene shows how far someone would go to not see him rule. Cassius decides to go to the extreme, â€Å"I know where I will wear this dagger then. Cassius from bondage will deliver Cassius† (Act 1 Scene 3 Page 4). He would rather kill himself then see Ceasar rule, while Shakespeare has used suicide as a plot point in the past this one varies from the rest by the choices he made in the scene. Shakespeare in scene three does not leave Cassius alone to ponder his death in his head, he provides a friends for him to explain his plan to. Nor does Cassius give a depressing reasoning or say goodbyes, he simply just wants it known he is killing himself for a cause he truly believes in rather than for depression. A bond is shown though through Cassius and Casca by the fact that Cassius trusts him enough to share with him this plan, without fear of betrayal, and Casca understands his point of view showing how great the friendship they hold is. The last part of the scene is the turning point of the whole play. Cassius plans to trick Brutus into believing that Caesar is now corrupt ruler, which will ultimately lead to Caesars death. Making the scene a pivotal moment in the show, and one that no Spector could forget about. Shakespeare work will not die out easily nor will it be easily forgotten for those who read one of his plays. This scene is about how strong someone must believe in something to accomplish it, and the relationships people have with another. Shakespeare made this message clear throughout the whole scene. There are few writers who have that talent and ability, and by using his characters true emotions, placing characters appropriately together, to make a truly memorable scene.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Energy Resources in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries Essay

Energy Resources in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries - Essay Example Saudi Arabia exists as the largest state among the GCC countries with the Shi’i population placed on the oil producing gulf coast of eastern province. The discovery of oil dates back to 1930s with its commercial production beginning shortly after the Second World War. Saudi Arabia became the largest producer of oil by 1993. Similarly, Kuwait became an oil producer ever since 1946 before gaining its independence from Britain in 1961. The country received independence before massive revenues from oil could be concentrated on the hands of the ruling family possessing overwhelming power. As well, cohesion and the historical organization of unique merchant families had significant contributions. Bahrain emerged as the first oil producing country among the six GCC countries with initial production occurring in 1932. The oil wealth possessed by Bahrain from the beginning gave it a head start to develop social and educational institutions. As a result, this contributed significantly t o its status as the best socially liberal over its neighbors in the GCC countries. However, Bahrain’s current oil reserves remain almost exhausted. By contrast, tourism and finance service industries play the main role in Bahrain’s present day economy (Gause 5-8). Abu Dhabi, Fujayra, Dubai, Ajman, Ra’s al-Khayma, ’Um al-Qaywayn and Sharjah constitute the seven emirates making up the federation of the UAE. Large production of oil began in the 1960s within the UAE mainly in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Shaarjah. UAE’s per capita national income remains among the highest worldwide. Most notable would be Dubai which continues to develop into a regional communications, services and business center.

(i dont know ,writer will firgure out the topic for me) Research Paper

(i dont know ,writer will firgure out the topic for me) - Research Paper Example If one would go to the top floor of the Bank of America tower overlooking the park, the once capacious area below becomes cramped, as people move like ants in the limited space left. Yet people continue to engage in their own activities, oblivious of their compromised surroundings. For as long they are able to carry out their purpose in the place, all the rest remain strangers to them – never mind, if they are already literally rubbing elbows with one another. Nevertheless, this is typical in the urban land. While those who are used to living in the countryside may find this situation suffocating, it is quite astounding how city dwellers seem to have adopted survival strategies to cope with the continuously crowding area, as though they do not need space. Going back, an imaginary view of the Bryant Park on top of Bank of America tower creates a vivid and lively scene where stories are formed. Perhaps, in one of the couches in the Southwest Porch, there may be a woman who would say, â€Å"I just need space†, a typical spiel when two people are in the brink of breaking up. This line serves as an easy way to warrant the ending of a relationship, especially if the individual, for some reason, desires to get freed from whatever attachment – may it be physical or emotional. Although it may be an effective way out, there seems to be more to ‘needing space’ aside from a reasonable means to end a relationship. While the literal meaning of a space is a spot left empty, it remains to be related to its figurative definition such that the space between individuals actually separates them, limiting their social interaction and attachment. Yet for a place like Bryant Park, keeping a space seems impossible. But perhaps, the city dwellers’ concept of space has indeed gone beyond just a simple matter of geography. Introduction The innovation of the concept of space probably roots to the time of Edward T. Hall, an anthropologist whose fiel d of interest and expertise centers on spacing behavior of individuals. Hall identified several terms related to space – most notable of which is the social space. By definition, social space is such which individuals feel comfortable enough to engage in occasional social interactions with friends and strangers. Moreover, Hall proposed that people have an unconscious perception of space which can be manifested by the way that they behave towards it and the people that they are sharing the physical space with. This behavior is largely based on the culture from which an individual belongs. As such, â€Å"public space always becomes cultural space† (Ferrell 14). Meanwhile, as a result of this proposed concept, social space has become a subject of studies for many years. Generally, these studies were geared towards simply finding out why this space exists and how it is manifested. Based on the findings, it is surprising that several factors actually account for what was on ce seen a simple yet perplexing matter. The present research also attempted to explore many aspects of this ambiguous concept; however, in the context of urban settings where crowding is inevitable and violation of physical space is likewise expected. It may be assumed that spacing behaviors could only be maintained in low-density situations when there is a small number people who can act on their respective assumed space. But then again, given the limited physical space in the urban area, the social concept of physical space

Exxon Mobile's Strategy Analysis Research Paper

Exxon Mobile's Strategy Analysis - Research Paper Example On the other hand, the chemicals segment handles manufacturing and sales of petrochemicals. The success and outstanding performance of Exxon Mobil Corporation emerge from several strategies implemented by its management executives. Just to name a few, the Corporation has a strategic management system that provides an elaborate framework for maintaining high standards and performance. This particular analysis paper looks deep into the strategies that Exxon Mobil implements to support its success. Exxon Mobil Corporation is guided by a corporate strategy that guides operation and enhances efficiency in its system. The organization strategy is reliant on the ability to innovate and develop in the new emerging markets by providing new products that suit the changing consumer needs. Ideally, it concentrates on their strong market positioning strategy to exhaust their market segments and fill the niches that can be identified by their competitors. The success arising out of this strategy is dependent on the broad portfolio. Exxon Mobile Corporation has a stronger business portfolio that emphasizes on the long-term profitability of the organization regardless of the volatile nature of the product prices in the industry. Additionally, the corporation relies on diversity strategy in production and sale of its products. Its global diversity principle act as a foundation for the long-term career oriented model to employment. Ideally, skills and expertise of the employees is quite critical to any organization. Competent employees usually work harder to boost the productivity of the organization. Exxon’s approach to employment is not only a relevant model but also a productive model to the general performance of the organization. The method fulfills the desired dreams of the organization through attracting, developing and retaining premier workforce diversity. It arguably fosters a productive work environment and culture where every

Thursday, October 17, 2019

International business environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International business environment - Essay Example As companies expand into greener pastures around the world depending on the specialisation, expertise or even business opportunities available to them, local cultures, local politics and the economies of host countries can become problems which have to be dealt with. This means that there are new issues which must be addressed by managers who can now be called on to create company wide policies as well as region based policies which affect the people working in London as much as they affect employees working in other parts of the globe. This problem is actually at the heart of the globalisation of business and the solution demands the creation new world order for business where we move towards a combination of cultures that represent us as humans. A company wide policy manual can be used as a document which sets up the culture of the company even as an isolated bubble in a place where the outside culture is totally different. However, this must be done carefully because this could also be dangerous as going with policies which are against local cultures can create bitterness and even a loss of the company’s human capital. GE was one such company which experienced these issues when they setup their operations across Eastern Europe and tried to revamp their business in Ukraine, Hungary and Albania. As reported by Welch (2005) GE faced several difficulties in political, cultural and economic terms which made it difficult to export their American brand of competitiveness to Eastern Europe (Welch, 2005). GE is the parent company of eleven technology, services and finance businesses with more than 300,000 employees spread across 160 countries. Even though the company is large, their values and actions, recruitment process and even the methods of rewarding employees remain more or less the same across the board. GE deals with computers, jet engines, power plants, capital services, plastics, illumination equipment,

Leonardo da Vinci - the Man Of Renaissance Essay

Leonardo da Vinci - the Man Of Renaissance - Essay Example It is therefore, his contemporary intellectuals, inventors, and artists including Giotto di Bondone, Michelangelo, Raphael, Botticelli, and Galileo could come close to the wide range of fields that Leonardo asserted his genius upon. Born on 15th April 1452 in Vinci, the suburbs of the fabulous Italian city of Florence, as the illegitimate son of a Florentine notary ser Piero da Vinci and a local peasant woman Caterina, Leonardo received his early education and training in Florence under the supervision of his father. It is observed that he had developed great taste for paintings and drawing in his early childhood, and even his most initial sketches were extremely captivating, eye-catching and surprising ones, which immediately captured the attention of the viewers. Hence, no one could refrain himself from admiring the gifted talent of the dexterity and command of the little painter over fine arts. Consequently, his father, Ser Piero, sought the services of the renowned contemporary Florentine painter Andrea del Verrocchio to coach his son in order to polish his talent in this field. Leonardo worked very hard while learning from his teacher and applied his splendid intellect in the creative activities, which earn ed unabated fame and respect for the young artist. The history reveals that he had developed his personal art gallery at the age of twenty-four years only, where he got orders for the preparation of portraits and paintings independently from the local community. Somehow, Leonardo’s interests were so broad, and he was so often compelled by new subjects, that he usually failed to finish what he started. This lack of â€Å"stick-to-it-ness† resulted in his completing only about six works in these 17 years, including â€Å"The Last Supper† and â€Å"The Virgin on the Rocks,† and he left dozens of paintings and projects unfinished or unrealized. Being the true follower of the prevailing Christian mythology, Leonardo selected Biblical stories as the topic of his paintings and drawing. He drew the sketches including the adoration of Magi at the eve of the Christ’

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Exxon Mobile's Strategy Analysis Research Paper

Exxon Mobile's Strategy Analysis - Research Paper Example On the other hand, the chemicals segment handles manufacturing and sales of petrochemicals. The success and outstanding performance of Exxon Mobil Corporation emerge from several strategies implemented by its management executives. Just to name a few, the Corporation has a strategic management system that provides an elaborate framework for maintaining high standards and performance. This particular analysis paper looks deep into the strategies that Exxon Mobil implements to support its success. Exxon Mobil Corporation is guided by a corporate strategy that guides operation and enhances efficiency in its system. The organization strategy is reliant on the ability to innovate and develop in the new emerging markets by providing new products that suit the changing consumer needs. Ideally, it concentrates on their strong market positioning strategy to exhaust their market segments and fill the niches that can be identified by their competitors. The success arising out of this strategy is dependent on the broad portfolio. Exxon Mobile Corporation has a stronger business portfolio that emphasizes on the long-term profitability of the organization regardless of the volatile nature of the product prices in the industry. Additionally, the corporation relies on diversity strategy in production and sale of its products. Its global diversity principle act as a foundation for the long-term career oriented model to employment. Ideally, skills and expertise of the employees is quite critical to any organization. Competent employees usually work harder to boost the productivity of the organization. Exxon’s approach to employment is not only a relevant model but also a productive model to the general performance of the organization. The method fulfills the desired dreams of the organization through attracting, developing and retaining premier workforce diversity. It arguably fosters a productive work environment and culture where every

Leonardo da Vinci - the Man Of Renaissance Essay

Leonardo da Vinci - the Man Of Renaissance - Essay Example It is therefore, his contemporary intellectuals, inventors, and artists including Giotto di Bondone, Michelangelo, Raphael, Botticelli, and Galileo could come close to the wide range of fields that Leonardo asserted his genius upon. Born on 15th April 1452 in Vinci, the suburbs of the fabulous Italian city of Florence, as the illegitimate son of a Florentine notary ser Piero da Vinci and a local peasant woman Caterina, Leonardo received his early education and training in Florence under the supervision of his father. It is observed that he had developed great taste for paintings and drawing in his early childhood, and even his most initial sketches were extremely captivating, eye-catching and surprising ones, which immediately captured the attention of the viewers. Hence, no one could refrain himself from admiring the gifted talent of the dexterity and command of the little painter over fine arts. Consequently, his father, Ser Piero, sought the services of the renowned contemporary Florentine painter Andrea del Verrocchio to coach his son in order to polish his talent in this field. Leonardo worked very hard while learning from his teacher and applied his splendid intellect in the creative activities, which earn ed unabated fame and respect for the young artist. The history reveals that he had developed his personal art gallery at the age of twenty-four years only, where he got orders for the preparation of portraits and paintings independently from the local community. Somehow, Leonardo’s interests were so broad, and he was so often compelled by new subjects, that he usually failed to finish what he started. This lack of â€Å"stick-to-it-ness† resulted in his completing only about six works in these 17 years, including â€Å"The Last Supper† and â€Å"The Virgin on the Rocks,† and he left dozens of paintings and projects unfinished or unrealized. Being the true follower of the prevailing Christian mythology, Leonardo selected Biblical stories as the topic of his paintings and drawing. He drew the sketches including the adoration of Magi at the eve of the Christ’

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Peace Building and Community Development Essay Example for Free

Peace Building and Community Development Essay Community development is a multi-faceted activity that has different ends. It also has different requirements depending on the needs of people inside the community. Development can be achieved through sustaining small and medium businesses, ensuring education for all, managing inclusion and diversity, keeping peace and order, and creating comprehensive disaster management. Through these, a community can be sustainable. Peace and order is an important aspect of community development. Without peace and order, it is impossible to unite the members of the community and enforce other sustainability projects. It will also be difficult for the community to prosper if chaos is widespread. Businesses will perish and investors will be elusive. This shows that peace building is important for a community. According to Maiese (2003), the United Nations defined peace building as an interplay of â€Å"capacity building, reconciliation, and societal transformation†. For other organizations, the short-term goals are more evident—peace building revolves around promoting peace in an immediate situation. In hindsight, despite the contradiction, both definitions are true. They also help create the whole concept of peace building for communities. Peace building can concentrate on resolving current issues between constituents. It involves moderating by authorities or other members of the community to maintain understanding between parties. On the other hand, it is also creating a society where the constituents are educated and transformed so that they do not only know peace but also lives peace. In these terms, education plays an integral role. This creates a community which is not only dependent on intermediaries but with self-regulation of peace as well. In the end, a community filled with peace-loving citizens is a community where peace has been built.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Indus Water Treaty

The Indus Water Treaty 13. The Indus flows through the north-west of India and Pakistan. It arises within Tibet from a holy lake called Mansarovar, the mouth of the lion. After rising in Tibet, the Indus runs north-west between the Karakoram and the Himalayas. In Kashmir, the river crosses the Line of Control (LoC) and enters Baltistan. The principal tributaries of the Indus in the west are Kabul and Khurram rivers, while its five main tributaries in the East are the Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Sutlej and Beas rivers. INDUS BASIN RIVERS 14. The British laid the foundation of the Indus Basin River System in the late 19th Century. The system did exist prior to the British annexation of the area but in a rudimentary form. The irrigation network constructed during the British rule, especially after 1885, was based on perennial canals which led off from river-spanning weirs and head works. Vast areas which had remained inaccessible under the traditional irrigation system were brought under cultivation by this canal system. In the Punjab, two major systems of irrigation were developedBari Doab and the Sutlej Valley Project. 15. In the 19th century, the British constructed most of what is today the worlds largest contiguous irrigation system in the Indus Basin. However, the boundaries between the two states drawn in 1947 paid no attention to hydrology. Eighty per cent of the irrigated area was in Pakistan, but after Partition a large portion of the headwaters for the rivers which serviced most of this immense area were in Indian-held Kashmir. 16. Seeing that India and Pakistan were unable to resolve this issue, the World Bank offered its help. After 10 years of intense negotiation, in 1960 the IWT was signed by then Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, Pakistani President Ayub Khan and the World Bank. 17. Originally designed as one scheme  [4]  , however, with the partition of the subcontinent in 1947, including the province of Punjab, the Indus system was also divided; while the head works fell to India, the canals ran through Pakistan. With a view to attaining the most complete and satisfactory utilization of the waters of the Indus basin and recognizing the need for fixing and delimiting the rights and obligations of each country in relation to the other , both states, as part of the Indus Waters Treaty agreed to following provisions of the treaty:- Essential Provisions  [5]  of the Treaty 18. There are four essential elements to the treaty (Articles of treaty attached as appendices). The first relates to the division of the waters. The waters of the three western rivers (the Indus, the Jhelum and the Chenab) were allocated to Pakistan, and the waters of the three eastern rivers (the Ravi, the Beas and the Sutlej) were allocated to India. 19. The second was a financing plan to assist Pakistan in building the vast replacement works (Tarbela Dam on the Indus and Mangla on the Jhelum in Pakistan-held Kashmir and the massive link canals) which were needed to store and transport water from rivers in the west to the irrigated areas of Pakistan. India contributed about 20% of the almost $1 billion (in 1960 dollars) required. 20. The third element relates to use of the hydroelectric potential of Pakistans rivers before they reach Pakistan. This was a major bone of contention in the negotiations. India had a legitimate desire to harness the hydroelectric potential of Pakistans rivers before the rivers reached the Line of Control. Pakistan was well aware that the 10 backbone of its economy was irrigated agriculture that was built around the natural flows of the rivers, and thus worried that its security would be seriously compromised if India built dams which could alter the timing of water coming to Pakistan, especially from the Jhelum and the Chenab. The compromise reached in the IWT was that India could use the hydro potential on the rivers, but that there would be restrictions on the manipulable storage that India could construct on these rivers, thus eliminating the possibility of the dams being operated in a way that would adversely affect Pakistan. 21. The fourth element of the treaty is the dispute resolution mechanism, which sets up rules whereby first recourse is for the Indian and Pakistani IWT commissioners to resolve potential problems. If this fails then there are provisions for external arbitration, either through a neutral expert appointed by the World Bank, or through an international court of arbitration. Treaty as Success Story 22. The treaty is widely described as the only institutional mechanism that has worked between India and Pakistan over the past 50 years. In part this is because of the intelligent design of the treaty, but it is also true that it worked because for decades India did very little to develop the hydropower resources on the Jhelum and the Chenab in Indian-held Kashmir. 11 Effects of the Treaty 23. Positive Aspects for Pakistan. The treaty assured  [6]  Pakistan, permanent water supply for its canal system. The principal benefits were:- (a) It helped Pakistan gain independence from India for ensuring its supplies by binding India to a formal international treaty. (b) The treaty helped regulate the flows of the Indus and its tributaries. About 80 percent of the total water is produced during the monsoon period July to September. Storage projects undertaken due to the treaty ensure water availability during winters and enhanced canal diversions. (c) It helped to revolutionize the agricultural sector. 24. Negative Aspects for Pakistan. The negative outcome for Pakistan was the loss of eastern rivers and with this, land surrounding these rivers largely irrigated by traditional methods was adversely affected. However, this loss was compensated by the construction of storage reservoirs, canals and diversions. The other drawback was the rise in inter-provincial discord, especially in recent years, due to reduced flow in the Indus. 12 25. Positive Aspects for India. The major benefits that accrued from the treaty to India were :- (a) The treaty enabled India to harness the eastern rivers to its benefit. It helped in diverting waters to arid areas like Rajasthan and develop irrigation facilities. (b) India could also build run-of-the-river hydroelectric plants on the western rivers and flood control storage facilities, though no storage facilities have been built so far. 26. Negative Aspects for India. The losses to India were :- (a) Ceding western rivers to Pakistan hampered growth of Jammu Kashmir, as water resources in the state could not be harnessed. (b) Increased differences amongst basin states as they began contending higher allocation of water. (c) Absence of an exit clause in the treaty shut Indias options, though Article XII of the treaty provides for a modification of the treaty. 13 Resolution of Salal Dam Controversy C:UsersAdminPicturesSALAL DAM.bmp 27. After the signing of Indus Waters Treaty, the first dispute India and Pakistan were engaged in was over the construction of the Salal Dam by India on the Chenab River. Under the terms of the Treaty, India submitted its plan to the Permanent Indus Commission for Pakistans approval in 1968. A run of- the-river  [7]  hydroelectric project, Salal was deemed crucial for the agricultural needs of the Indian Punjab and economic progress of the country. In 1974 Pakistan officially objected to the design of Salal project arguing that it did not confirm to the criteria for design of such hydroelectric projects laid down under the Treaty. 28. During the course of the negotiations, several options were discussed for reaching to a final settlement including resort to the arbitration procedure provided in the Treaty. Finally, India agreed to make some changes in the design of the dam including reducing 14 the height of the dam and to the permanent closure of the diversion canal after the hydel plant had been commissioned. 29. The resolution of this dispute was hailed in both countries and is still quoted as a case of successful diplomacy over water sharing between Pakistan and India due to the concessions made under the Salal Agreement signed in April 1978. Challenges to the Treaty Although the Indus Rivers support the worlds largest irrigation system, the unused waters of the rivers, which now go to waste into the Arabian Sea, have an equally large useful potential. These could reclaim from the desert an area equal to that already developed. Another 26 million acres could be turned into smiling fields of wheat and rice and cotton food for hungry and work for the unemployed [Shivananda, 1961: 4-5, emphasis added] 30. Over the last decade this situation has changed dramatically. India has initiated a major programme of hydropower development across its Himalayan region. As part of this strategy, and in part to try to address the grievances of the Kashmiri people, India has constructed and is constructing and planning a large number of large hydropower projects on the headwaters of Pakistans rivers (the Indus and especially the Jhelum and Chenab) in Indian-held Kashmir. 15 31. Almost all the disputes over water that have arisen between India and Pakistan are about dam projects constructed or being constructed by one of the two parties. The negotiations over these issues involve divergent concerns and interests, based on their interpretations of the Indus Water Treaty. Under this unprecedented pressure, the IWT is creaking. The Indian perspective is that Pakistan uses the treaty to put an unending set of obstacles in Indias path. The Pakistani perspective is that New Delhi operates with impunity, and that the cumulative upstream water storage being created by India constitutes an existential threat to Pakistans security. The major disputes have been over the following projects:- Wullar Barrage/Tulbul Navigation Project 32. The second challenge to the treaty came regarding the construction of the Wullar Barrage, as it is called by Paksitan, or Tulbul Navigation Project as termed by India. The dispute arose in 1984 when India began to build the barrage and navigational project at the mouth of the Wullar Lake on the River Jhelum. In 1986, Pakistan referred the case to the Indus Commission, and in 1987 work was halted on the project by India. The main point of dispute is that Pakistan views the project as a storage work while India claims that it is a navigational project. 16 33. These divergent positions are further urged in the light of specific provisions of the Indus Waters Treaty. For Pakistan, the project violates Article I (11) that prohibits both parties from undertaking any man-made obstruction that may cause a change in the volume of water. Article III (4) prohibits India from storing any water on the western rivers. Further, sub-para 8 (h) entitles India to construct incidental storage work on the western rivers only after the design has been scrutinized and approved by Pakistan. Its storage capacity should not exceed 10,000 acre feet of water. Pakistan argues that the existing water level in the Wullar Lake is enough for small boats to navigate between Baramula and Srinagar, so there is no need to store additional water. It further argues that the dams storage capacity was 32 times more than the 10,000 maf capacity provided under the Indus Waters Treaty. 34. India, on the contrary, contends that despite the broad principles governing the Treaty, India has been allowed, under certain conditions, to construct a barrage in the light of Article 3 (4) conditions, which are enlisted in Annexure D and E of the Treaty. India views the project as an attempt to make the Jhelum navigable, not a reservoir. 35. Controlling water for navigation is permissible under the Treaty. More than a dozen rounds of talks have been held to date over the construction of this barrage but it remains the oldest and longest lasting water dispute between India and Pakistan. 17 The Baglihar Dam Issue 36. The differing views of Islamabad and New Delhi first came to a head after India started constructing the 450 megawatt (MW) Baglihar project in 1999 on the Chenab River. Pakistan believed that the Indian design violated the IWT because the dam included gated spillways which meant that the manipulable storage was larger than that allowed under the IWT. The Indian view was that if they were unable to operate the reservoir more flexibly, it would rapidly fill with silt, as had happened in the earlier Salal project. The Indian and Pakistani IWT commissioners were unable to resolve the difference, with Pakistan asking the World Bank to appoint a neutral expert in 2005. 37. The essence of the neutral experts verdict, delivered in 2007, was that: the IWT had a provision for updating the implementation of the treaty as new knowledge accumulated; what has emerged as global good practice for silt management would be 18 impossible with the rigidities of the treaty; and therefore India should be allowed to draw water out of the dam at lower levels than those specified in the treaty. 38. To understand this interpretation a brief technical digression is needed. Water stored behind a dam is divided between live storage, which the operator of the dam can manage through both gated spillways and power intakes, and lower-level dead storage, which the operator cannot manage as he does not have outlets in the dam low enough to release this water. 39. The neutral expert, applying considerable semantic subtlety, essentially argued that live storage was not the same as manipulable storage. He argued that only storage that could be used for the operational purpose of generating power constituted live storage. So if India was creating more manipulable storage on the grounds that this was necessary for silt management, then, in the judgment of the neutral expert, this was not live storage and should be allowed. This finding would only make sense if Pakistans concern in the treaty was to define exactly where the power outlets could be in the Indian dams (which it never was and is not). But it makes no sense if Pakistans concern was Indias capacity to manipulate flows into Pakistan (which it always was and still is). 40. For Pakistan the (non-appealable) Baglihar verdict was a huge blow because it reinterpreted the IWT to remove the fundamental physical protection (limits in manipulable storage) which Pakistan had against the creation of an Indian ability to seriously manipulate the timing of flows of water into Pakistan. 19 41. From the Pakistan perspective, salt was rubbed into this raw wound when India did not (in Pakistans view) comply with the IWT-specified process for filling Baglihar. The Kishenganga Hydroelectric Project 42. Present flashpoint of Kishenganga Hydroelectric project in Indian-held Kashmir is unique. In India the westward-flowing Jhelum River has two main tributaries. The northern tributary, which flows at a substantially higher elevation  [8]  in the foothills of the Himalayas, is the Neelum River. The southern tributary, which flows at a much lower elevation, is the Jhelum itself. The two tributaries join just after they reach Pakistan. This odd configuration offers a unique opportunity build a barrage across the Neelum, build a tunnel down to the Jhelum, put a power station at the bottom and generate substantial amounts of power. There are two obvious sites where this can be done one upstream in India and one downstream in Pakistan. ALT.jpg (36381 bytes) 20 43. The engineers who drew up the IWT were well aware of these possibilities and stipulated that India could build its project only if there is no existing use which will be affected in Pakistan. India is now building the eastern scheme (the 330 MW Kishenganga project) while Pakistan is building the western scheme (the 1,000 MW Neelum-Jhelum project). The immediate stakes and investments are large approximately $350 million in India and $1,000 million in Pakistan. Disillusioned with the neutral expert process after Baglihar, in May 2010 Pakistan declared this to be a dispute to be taken to a Court of Arbitration. 44. The Neelum-Jhelum case is unique because it is the one case in the Indus Basin where there is an intrinsic conflict between India and Pakistan. In all of the other cases upstream storage of water in India could, if normal relations pertained, easily be translated into benefits for downstream Pakistan. These benefits would include the more reliable timing of flows, storage of water during floods and perhaps even energy sharing. 45. The situation is further complicated by the fact that India has a series of hydropower projects being planned, designed and constructed on the headwaters of Pakistans three rivers which will create something like 40 days of live storage on the Chenab alone. From the Pakistani perspective this ability to hold and release water constitutes a serious threat to water security in Pakistan. 21 IWT: Internal Regional Problems 46. Besides these dam projects, there are several internal and regional issues that strain the Indus Waters Treaty. The most important is the view of the people in Jammu and Kashmir who see the Treaty as exploiting  [9]  their rights by both India and Pakistan. People of the northern areas in Pakistan are also opposed to dam projects in Pakistan like the Mangla dam. 47. Secondly, hostile anti-Pakistan segments in India view the Indus Water Treaty as giving undue concessions to Pakistan, which Prime Minister Nehru signed to purchase peace. Since it did not bring peace to Kashmir, they want to revisit the concessions given to Pakistan under the Treaty. 48. Third, Pakistan also has serious problems regarding the sharing of Indus waters among its four provinces. This is evident with entrenched controversy being present in the country on every planned dam. The shortage of water has deep political, economic and social effects. For example, farmers in Sindh point their fingers at Punjabi landlords, and accuse them of stealing their share of the Induss water. 49. Finally, there are environmental and ecological changes which call for consideration. Because of climate change, the Himalayan glaciers are melting at an alarming rate. For water resources, this means an increase in water initially due to 22 flooding. Within the next 50 years, however, experts believe there will be a 30 to 40 percent  [10]  drop in glacial melt because the glaciers will have receded. A strategy to create more storage capacity for water is the only option available, but one has to remember that glacial melt is not only water but also silt that will reduce the capacity of the reservoirs. This aspect has not been considered at the political level or at least has not gained prominence. 50. Essentially the following two features have shaped Pakistan-India water politics: (a) The underlying concern of both states is the political aspects that water entails. This aspect is believed to be the catalyst  [11]  behind the hydro politics in which both countries are engaged. Thus, the discussion on water issues has always been there in almost every dialogue between India and Pakistan, and now it figures in the high level talks that reflects the dominance of water issues. (b) Most of the time, Pakistan being the lower riparian follows up on these issues on sharing of waters more vigorously. It has objected to almost all the projects planned by India on the western rivers calling them a violation of the 23 Indus Water Treaty. Nonetheless, India does not accept this view and takes defensive positions.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Workplace Diversity Essay -- Racial Diversity, Ethnic Diversity

Diversity is the uniqueness which every employee brings to the workplace in an organization or establishment. Examples of differences include nationality, belief, disabilities, physical appearance, race, gender, age, educational background, sexual orientation, and work experience, social and family status. At the workplace, valuing diversity means creating a work environment that respects and includes individual variation by maximizing the potential of all employees or in which every employee feels included. It means acknowledging that other people, other races, other voices, and other cultures have an equal claim on the world. Valuing diversity is the recognition that there are many ways of viewing the world, solving problems, and working together. Workplace diversity is the differences people bring in an organization. It encompasses learning and interacting with people who share different opinions, backgrounds from us and creating an environment which fosters diverse views and opinions. It does not only involve how people perceive or relate to themselves but how they perceive others and these perceptions do affect their interactions. â€Å"Most diversity experts believe that the significant distinctions are race, ethnicity, culture, religion, language, nation of origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical abilities, occupation, and class† (Leo Parvis, 2003). Complications begin from workplace difficulties to diversity which can disorganize and create a hostile environment. These threats, if not exposed and resolved through effective leadership, will lead to loss of potential and ultimately failure in the undertakings of the organization. Furthermore, diversity is in an elevated studying curve and similar to others continuin... ...ity is an important aspect in the workplace. We need diversity to offer the best service to customers, employees, affiliated companies, and share holders. Diversity offers personal difference in the people we work with. It is every employee's responsibility to ensure diversity is valued in the workplace. In every organization, employees should be open-minded and treat others with dignity, respect, courtesy and consideration and not tolerate harassment or discrimination. This creates a workplace that encourages learning and associating with people from diverse groups. With a diverse working environment and an equally diverse opportunity, the sky is the limit to what you can achieve during your career. In addition to a very important requirement when people deal with diversity is when there is a promotion of a "safe" place for people to communicate (Koonce, 2001).

Saturday, October 12, 2019

why kids kill parents Essay example -- essays research papers

Introduction to Psychology Why kids kill parents BY Kathleen M. Heide Psychology Today Magazine HOW A LEGACY OF CHILD ABUSE LEADS TO HOMICIDE I chose this article because I have always been astonished at how children can do this to their parents and what drove them to the choices they made. Did they have any other choices or did they use all of their chooses up that they had? This article supplied a lot of answers to me. According to this Article: Between 1977 and 1986, more than 300 parents were killed each year by their own children. &nb... ...ot his father once, he was then afraid his father would be okay and come after him again when he was well, so he shot him again to make sure his father would not be able to do that. To end with a quote from the article; " The true killer in these cases is child mistreatment." "Damage comes not only in human carnage but in the death of the human spirit that persistent abuse often carries out."

Friday, October 11, 2019

“Comparing Male and Female Sports ” Eassy

ITCW 11/20/12 Essay from page381 #5 Essay on Male and Female sports teams I personally agree with what the author wrote about in his writing. If you take a look at how both men and women play sports, you will clearly see that not only are men more aggressive with the sports they play; but they also treat each other more aggressively than girls do. If a guy was to be playing football and dropped a pass chances are he will get a lot of grief from his teammates and they might harass him about it for weeks.While if a girl made a mistake playing her sport chances are the girls will try to help her get better. Instead of showing her tough love like their male counter parts would. For the guys I think they act how they act and show tough love and aggression to each other because they normally have to fight and act tough with each other to stand out. Look how guys socialize they normally are insulting and calling each other names.Playing of course but none the less they do it, I believe some forum of that has just carried on to the sports they play. Also guys tend to break into groups more so than their female counter part. Guys who are good at a sport will usually hang out and socialize with other athletes who stand out, leaving the ones who are not as good behind. For girls like I said in my previous paragraph, they normally can keep their cool and know how to talk to each other better during the heat of the moment unlike the guys.This is typically due to the fact that like I previously said the girls tend to help each other more then the guys do. While the guys are cirdasizing each other; the girls who are the stand out stars are helping the girls who are not as good as them. Which in the long run might make it so the girls get a better understanding of the meaning â€Å"Team Sports†? There are also other reasons one must remember when comparing male and female sports teams.For instance Guys normally have to act a certain way and out do his male counter parts when he is in the work field to stand out or even receive a promotion, While normally girls won’t have to act as cut throat as guys in the work field. Which could explain why girl sports teams show more â€Å"team sportsmanship†? All in all both male and female act a certain way when they play sports Now when it comes to how they act, that all just depends on how mature they are and how they are as a person.Me personally I think more so for guys, when they are in the middle of a football game or basketball and a teammate makes a critical mistake. They might over react or say something that might sound a bit harsh but one must remember they are â€Å"In the heat of battle†. So typically what is being said isn’t always how they truly feel about each other. I also believe that girls have more pations then guys do and are more willing to help someone who isn’t as good as them. So that is why girl teams help each other more and show more team sportsman ship.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Nike Brand Equity

Case 6 Nike Celess Valk MKTG 4082 10/29/12 To answer question one it’s important to not that Nike has created a very powerful image in the minds of consumers in America. Nike wanted consumers to see it as an innovative brand that produces top of the line performance gear that was associated with very powerful and important athletes (mostly males). Their profile users are represented as famous athletes such as Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods. The athletes reflected the brand personalities such as competitive, winners, strong, and better than the rest.This also is a way for Nike to obtain credibility and quality. With the Air Jordan line, Nike sold over $100 million shoes in the first year (129). Nike’s sources of brand equity hit all the way to the top of the CBBE pyramid for American consumers. Within the first two years alone Nike had 50% of the market share for athletic shoes. Salience is huge with the Nike logo. About 97% of Americans were able to recognize the Nike lo go in 2000 (139). Imagery and performance were the main points that Nike stressed with its brand when it advertised itself.Nike stresses its performance as a main key point. Nike has been able to fulfill individual needs or judgments such as self-respect and self-confidence (which you obtain when wearing shoes that the athletes wear). It fulfills needs that are more difficult to articulate such as the social needs for power and belonging. Resonance is obtained through the athletic communities Nike has built such as the relationships that were built with the athletes on Nike’s behalf as well as the consumer’s behalf with the Air Jordan line.It doesn’t surprise me that Europeans had a lack of respect for the Nike brand as stated in question two. To start off, Europe didn’t have the same view on certain sports as well as the fact that their athlete idols were different. Second, athletic shoe specialty stores didn’t even exist there. Third, their cultu re is different than the American culture so naturally there are going to be some ways in which Nike is unappealing to their cultural values. Nike was seen as an aggressive, arrogant, and intimidating brand due to its strong advertising and the message of power and performance.This advertising technique and these values worked in America, but not so well in Europe. Europeans were more traditional and less competitive. Some TV channels even refused to air the Nike vs. Evil advertisements. To change these views Nike decided to create an image in the consumers minds to be seen as culturally, personally, and geographically relevant to the consumers while keeping their logo and brand name constant. Nike gained 90% control of the brand distribution in Europe to make sure that happened (133).Nike became more involved as a sponsor of sports leagues such as soccer and emphasizes its â€Å"apparel† in general. In 1997, Nike decided to also adjust its global branding strategy to tune do wn violent advertising techniques and resonated with regional interests. They used the two best-known athletes to create a sense of awareness and attachment to the brand globally. They even toned down the use of the swoosh logo and created product lines that were more community building and less aggressive to consumers.In Asia, more specifically, Nike used ads with athletes that were local to their culture and stayed away from the aggressive advertising they once used that gave them irreverence in Europe. They learned their lesson and knew they needed to start out with a soft advertising approach and increase their brand awareness. To answer Question three, I will emphasize a few main points. Nike is known for innovative products globally with their shoe lines, Shox or AirJordan, but their image tarnished slightly from the working situations they found in Asia.The imagery and feelings surrounding Nike now for Americans may be weaker due to this. As Americans, we believe strongly in freedom, equality, and the privilege to have those. Nike basically took advantage of that and treated their employees in Asia with very little freedom and treated them unfairly. Even though the sweatshops scandal weakened the image of Nike in the minds of Americans, Nike is still are seen as a powerful brand that emphasizes performance, power, and gives its consumers a vision to be the best. The sweatshops weakened their image in the minds of Americans.As I stated before, aggressive advertisements work for Americans because we are a society that is so strongly attached to our sports, individualism, performance, and are competitive in general. However, as we saw in question 2 that approach doesn’t work well globally. In order to appeal to the world, Nike needed to make some local adjustments as well as global changes for its brand. Europe’s brand equity sources stem mainly from its attachments to the soccer community and apparel line. In 1999 the company’s soccer orders from Europe grew over 100% from the previous year (140).Nike has strong performance, salience, and even resonance in this respect. Although competition, Reebok, may have better imagery, Nike has worked hard to improve theirs in European minds and must be doing something right with numbers that impressive. In Asia, Nike has strong brand equity from its image, performance, and judgments. They didn’t create such strong advertising techniques since they learned their lesson in Europe. This gave Asians a chance to see Nike in a positive light from the start, which makes their brand equity source from judgments and feelings better off the bat as compared to Europe’s brand equity sources.Asian sales led the stock price to more than $70/share for the first time ever. Even after the collapsed economy they were ordering Nike goods and Nike kept with them. From this one could infer they are loyal customers, which reaches the higher levels of the CBBE pyramid (feelings and resonance). References: Keller, Kevin Lane. â€Å"Nike: Building a Global Brand. †Ã‚  Best Practice Cases in Branding: Lessons from the World's Strongest Brands. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education/Prentice Hall, 2003. 125-47. Print.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Advantages Disadvantages of electronic commerce

Advantages & Disadvantages of electronic commerce History In the 1970s, the term electronic commerce, referred to electronic data exchange for sending business documents such as purchase orders and voices electronically. Later, with the development of this industry, the term of electronic commerce is used to the business of goods and services via the web. When the first World Wide Web was introduced in 1994 as comprehensive, many well-known researchers have been predicted this type of business the web-based business will become soon important in the world economy, but it took four years that HTTP based protocols should be widely available to users. The first electronic commerce created in the USA and some European countries in 1998. These types of business are formed with beginner and unprofessional websites and it has been expanded rapidly. Electronic commerce was spread rapidly in most cities in America, Europe, and East Asia in 2005. Some say dates of electronic commerce return to prior of the Internet, but due to the costs of this style of business, only business and financial institutions and corporations could use it. But with the widespread use of the Internet to all of the people and change the structure of electronic commerce, this kind of business from the specific business case for a particular group out and became the industrial form. Frameworks Electronic commerce framework is comprised of three levels that this framework is needed to for successful electronic commerce. 1. Infrastructure The first part of the framework for electronic commerce is including hardware, software, databases, and communications. It is used in term of World Wide Web on the Internet or other message switching methods on the Internet or other telecommunication networks. 2. Services The second part of the framework includes a wide range of services that provide the ability to find and present information and are including the search for trading partners, negotiation, and agreements 3. Products and Structures This section of the electronic commerce frameworks consist forecasts and direct provision of goods, services, and trade-related information to customers and business partners, cooperation and sharing of information within and outside the organization and organizing of environment of electronic marketplace and chain of supply and support. Advantages Disadvantages The invention of new telecommunication networks and modern online devices has resulted in a new business. In fact, electronic commerce has become one of the most popular activities on the web. Electronic commerce created many benefits for companies and users, however, some disadvantages and serious problems stem from this issue. We can also sell any time, night or day, 365 days a year. Even while we are resting, our users can visit our website, search our goods, services, and determine their orders. Decrease Transaction Costs If we buy from the online store, we spend low operational cost, we have a better quality of service, and we can cut the many unnecessary costs. For example, if our goods or services downloadable, we will have transport costs completely cancel. Conduct a Business Easily In electronic commerce, we do not need physical company setups or there are not any crowds to deal with. We can buy from our house comfortable; users can easily choose goods from various procedures without moving around physically. Comparison in Prices Everyone can easily compare fees among the various websites. We can usually earn discounts on fees when compared with normal shop fees. Disadvantages Security Security pursues to be the main problem in electronic commerce. Everyone good or bad can easily open a website, and there are many bad sites, which their aim is users money. Guarantee There is no guarantee for product quality. Our orders might be damaged in the post or things may look different online to what you actually receive, for example, slightly different colors and feel of clothes or the freshness of vegetables and fruits. Social Relationships Electronic commerce allows users that buying and selling goods and services without geographic limitations but in this method, we have not any contacts and relationships with other persons and loss our social contacts. Impact Electronic commerce is a new method business that mixes all of the prior methods and transaction styles. Electronic commerce and electronic business have an impact on many districts of business, for instance, economics, marketing, computer science, finance and accounting, production and operation management, management information system, human source management, business law, and ethics. The following are some of the factors describe: Marketing The rise of information technologies and computer networks has many effects in business especially in the field of marketing. Everyone can make markets work more efficiently and they can improve their career with information management within a group. In this case, they can decrease the cost of opera tions and catch new markets and new opportunities for selling and transactions. Economics In the industry world, managers must encourage and conduct employees to devise plans to take advantages of new economic opportunities. Electronic commerce is creating new opportunities for the global economy, for example in the global travel and tourism industry. Transforming from traditional business method to electronic commerce method is hard and there were many different factors for companies to adopt them with electronic commerce factors. For this work, they must use the Internet and many other online networks, because for grow and use from new economic opportunities in each industry it is necessary to be matched with new technologies. Finance and Accounting Two decades of progress in information technology and development of its applications in the field of economic and social to form a new chapter of relations between people, institutions, companies and governments and new concepts are emerging on the literature of economic and trade. Internet as a global network, as well as prerequisite of electronic commerce, for reason flexibility, attractive, ease of use, low-cost access and ubiquity, is changing the traditional business moreover, electronic commerce had a significant impact on finance and accounting that include saving time, disinflation, increase productivity, reduce the demand for money (reduce the cost of publishing) and etc. Production and operation management The outcomes of a managers work, by on-time product qualify productions and with the least cost is determined. For this purpose, the first requirement is the correct information. Electronic commerce is the best way to have the most accurate and correct information for managers because consumers transmit their demands to managers directly

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

My own religious Autobiography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

My own religious Autobiography - Essay Example No one knows with certainty that an all powerful, omnipotent and invisible entity exists. They may have faith and a belief that a God has been and always will be but because the concept of God is beyond anyone’s comprehension, how can anyone claim to have knowledge of such an abstract concept as this? Knowing means putting a theory, or belief if you will, to a series of tests designed to debunk that theory. Only after attempting to disprove a belief, can you say with any certainty that it is true. I can say that horses fly or that the sun revolves around the earth and many people might believe this until it is disproved. Many people did in fact believe both these stories until they were disproved. So what about God? Can anyone really say for certain that God indeed exists? Yes. I can because I have proof. During the summer between my Kindergarten and First Grade year, I spent many hours at my uncle’s house. It’s not that he was necessarily my favorite relative. He had no kids of his own nor did he particularly like kids and he was a boring person for a young child to be around, but he had a pool. I suppose for that reason, he was my favorite during the summer but grandma took this title back during the winter, for obvious reasons. My uncle let me swim all I wanted but seldom actually watched me like he should have, and like he told my parents he did. One very hot day, I was swimming laps to develop my skills. All I remember was that as I was doing this, I gulped some water by accident, the chlorine taste that followed, then gasping for air for just a few moments. My recollection of the events that took place after that are somewhat foggy yet imprinted firmly in my mind, even today. My next conscious memory was waking up at the hospital and hearing the story of how I had drowned but had been brought back to life by emergency technicians who were called to the scene following what my uncle believed was my death. Had it not

Monday, October 7, 2019

Compare and Contrast General Systems Theories Research Paper

Compare and Contrast General Systems Theories - Research Paper Example The description of a system as a set of interacting units that establish relationships among themselves is the basic unifying factor in the general systems theories. Various theorists have come up with systems theories, prominent among them: Murray Bowen with the family system theory, Ervin Laszlo with his natural systems theory and James Grier Miller with his general living systems theory (Skyttner, 2005). The similarities observed in these three theories are evident, and the contrasting figures can be drawn across the general theories whose bases are of dire importance to sociologists, therapists and scholars of human behaviors. The contrasting figures lie in the specifications and the discussions presented in the three theories depending on the argument and concepts presented by each developer. Millers living systems theory explains how living things work, develop, change and ensure maintenance. The concepts of living things being open and able to interact with the environment for ms the basis of Miller’s argument which he says is through information and exchanges of energy. He points out that living beings are simple or complex in structure but despite this they depend on each other for survival. He presents twenty subsystems that he calls processes that living beings depend on to ensure continuity of generations and for survival some of which deal with material and energy for metabolism in the system. He claims that life is a process, and life ends when the processing of information, material and energy comes to an end. Miller claims that living systems form eight levels of complexities from the simplest which is the cell to the largest and most organized. The interaction of the components of the system creates a whole new emergence of characteristics of the system. The eight levels include cells, organs, organisms, groups, organizations, communities, societies, and supranational systems, each of which contains twenty subsystems which process matter- energy or information for use within the system (Bertalanffy, 2003). He argues that the first two process matter-energy and information, the next eight process only matter- energy, and the last term processes information only. The aspect of living beings being able to interact with their environment and with each other is in theory to emphasize that the components of the system extend to the hierarchy of the levels. For instance, the cells and organs functionality depends on the functioning of the whole organism, and the organism depends on the ability of the cells and organs to operate properly (Skyttner, 2001). The natural systems theory by Ervin Laszlo encompasses organized entities that have various divisions each of which cannot exist on their own. He argues that systems are wholes, and in order to understand their properties, they must be viewed in the wholesome nature. The natural systems by Laszlo share four similar properties that are among the social, biological and physi cal entities of a system. He says that all natural systems are wholes, maintaining themselves in a changing environment and create themselves in reaction to self- creativity in different systems. Therefore, in order to understand nature, we need to first have self-understanding and bring forward examples of origins, culture life and matter. He examines the concept of equilibrium and how individuals try to maintain balance in their daily life activities and brings out an aspect of biological evolution. Laszlo claims that genome,